Filmography of Walerian Borowczyk
FIlmography of Walerian Borowczyk. List of Walerian Borowczyk films with stills and descriptions.
Scherzo Infernal, France 1984, The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Miss Osbourne, France 1981, Behind the convent walls , Italy 1978, The Greatest Love of All Times, France 1977, Letter from Paris, FRG 1977, The Margin, France 1976 Venus on the Half-Shell, France 1975, The Story of a Sin, Poland 1975, The Beast, France 1975, Immoral Tales, France 1974, A Private Collection, France 1973, Blanka, France 1971, The Phonograph, France 1969, Goto, Island of Love, France 1968, Mr. and Mrs. Kabal’s Theatre, France 1967, Gavotte, France 1967, Diptych, France 1967 Rosalie, France 1966, Joachim’s Dictionary, France 1965, The Game of the Angels, France 1964, Renaissance, France 1963, Grandma’s Encyclopaedia, France 1963 The Concert of Mr. and Mrs. Kabal, France 1962, The Astronauts, France 1959, The School, Poland 1958, House, Street Art, Poland 1957, Banner of Youth, Strip-Tease, Once Upon a Time, Rewarded Feeling, ,Dominique Duvergé-Ségrétin, Daniel Bird, Abel Ségrétin, Friends of Walerian Borowczyk, Walerian Borowczyk, Borowczyk
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